
Book your ferry tickets

Plan your trip to over 500 destinations in 26 countries

Find all ferry schedules including direct & indirect connections between islands
Book your ferry tickets at the lowest price, with no hidden fees
Globe with orange continents
Trusted by millions
The preferred choice for 3M+ travelers all over the world
Euro sign with green background
Travel at the best price
Same prices as ferry companies, plus exclusive offers and discounts
Smiling person with long dark hair and brown top
Putting travelers first
From planning to journey’s end, we’re here to ensure you travel with peace of mind

Do more with the Ferryhopper App!

Mobile phone screen showing the ferry tracking feature on the Ferryhopper App

Track your ferry live

& stay updated on any delays

Travelers using the Ferryhopper App on their mobile phones

Share bookings

with your travel buddies

Hand holding a mobile phone with two people on the screen

Save your details

for faster booking

Traveler showing their e-ticket on their mobile phone

Board hassle-free

with your e-ticket

Popular destinations

Travel smarter with our handy features

Plan your trip directly on our Ferry route map

Origin and destination selection on Ferryhopper's Ferry Route Map
Mobile phone screen displaying Ferryhopper's My booking main menu

Manage your booking online

Check your booking details, cancel or change your tickets, and add travel extras to your trip

Book faster with a Ferryhopper account

Save passengers and vehicles, and keep track of all your trips in one place
Illustrations of two people and a car displayed on a mobile phone
Dotted line leading to a green location pin
ferry routes
Globe with green continents
countries served
E-ticket with QR code and a globe
tickets sold
Hand holding a mobile phone with the Ferryhopper logo displayed as the background image
app downloads

Trending ferry routes

Book your ferry tickets online with Ferryhopper

Enjoy a smooth journey with Ferryhopper, your reliable ferry travel companion. Find real-time schedules for more than 3,000 ferry routes and compare prices from over 117 companies. Check all the latest ferry offers to Greece, Italy, Spain, Croatia, and more, and book your tickets at the best prices with no hidden fees.

Ferryhopper makes traveling simpler than ever. Combine multiple destinations in a single booking and plan your island-hopping adventure effortlessly. And if your plans change, no need to worry! You can easily manage your trip and make changes to your tickets online.